Friday, January 14, 2011

Children and Faith.

Man, I love being a babysitter. I find children as such a blessing from God. Working with children helps me relax from the daily strain of the world and its pressure. Looking at the faces of these children and realizing that we are in a fallen world just breaks my heart... There's a little guy down the street whose single mom smokes pot and drinks with children in the house, and my heart just breaks when I think about this little man's future. Its torture when I think about it. I wish I was as cheerful and youthful as my little buddy Ethan, he just sings about everything and doesn't really care who hears it =D. I think we need to be as enthusiastic about things as a child is. Matthew 18:1-3 says: "At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

This verse has stuck with me for a while now. Just as a child trusts his/her parents completely, we should rely on our Lord for the same. Take that leaping jump into the deep end of the pool without a doubt of fear or stress. Do I trust that the Lord will save me from drowning in the deep end? Absolutely, but I stress and doubt about it. Children are a blessing of peace, lest us not forget that.

To God be The Glory. Alex.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Its been a while since I posted last. I have been busy, no wait I admit, I have been playing hours on end of video games. I need to really stop being a bum. Its an addiction, but it doesnt feel like it. Gladly though, I cant stand being inside all day. It give me headaches.

Today, I will be baby sitting a 2 year old boy for 2 hours. I adore this little guy! He can converse better than me already.. And hes so full of enthuisiasm. We should be more joyful in what we have!

I leave you with this verse:"So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy." John 16:22

Thursday, July 22, 2010


As I get up every morning, I am excited to get up. Why, you may ask. I have the Lord Jesus Christ in my heart! I was talking to a friend who put a saying on his Facebook profile, "Don't let the thing that catches you eye rule you, let the thing that captures your heart rule." So, I asked him what catches his heart. He just got mad and logged off. I ask you to pray for this young man. He has plenty of problems and doesn't hang out with the "right" crowd. He has told me that women rule his life, but not in a good way. He uses them as "pieces of meat", to get a girl, have sex with these girls, and then dump them. His influence that is around him alot is a 20 year old druggie, without a job, and has the same mindset as my friend. He got baptized last summer, but now he has just fallen into the same things that got him taken away from his mom. Yes, I said "his mom", because this guy is only 14-15... My heart breaks every time I read a stupid status like "F*** my life."

What catches my heart? The hearts of others around me. I want to cry every time a person goes awry. Many people with Asperger's syndrome don't have much apathy. I definitely have apathy! I embrace this as a gift from God! Why do we like to get in these situations where we continually sin?! I pray to GOD that my friends life would be changed. Pray that my heart doesn't go bad trying to teach him the way of the LORD!

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."--- Philippians 4:13

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Today is my Sabbath post, I am gonna do something small on here every Sunday.
These are lyrics to my newfound favorite worship song.

Via Dolorosa---Leeland

He traded his crown for a crown of thorns

He picked up His cross and laid down His sword

He stumbled down the road bruised and beaten for me

Jesus walked the way of grief


On the via dolorosa!

All my sin was carried away!

And the power of Him was broken

As He gave His life away

He knew it was to come from the very start

But his love for the world beat inside His heart

He climbed the road of suffering to the hill of calvary

Where the saints would be redeemed.


On the via dolorosa!

All my sin was carried away!

And the power of Him was broken

As He gave His life away

Jesus fixed His eyes upon the new horizon

Soon he would arise and the world would be forgiven!

Jesus fixed His eyes upon the new horizon

Soon he would arise and the world would be forgiven!

Hallelujah, Jesus rose again!

On the cross He she'd His blood on Calvary

I'm thankful for the journey of my King!

On the via dolorosa!

All my sin was carried away!

And the power of Him was broken

As He gave His life away

As He gave His life away

He traded his crown for a crown of thorns

Saturday, July 17, 2010


For some reason, I always go to the library when I am bored. This tends to be a habit that I love. However, I am contemplating whether this habit is good or not. You have to admit, some of us have habits we don't like. It is in our human nature to constantly want to change. I want to get out of the habit of being a "robot". I am constantly falling into the same pattern day in and day out. I wake up, eat, get on the computer or Xbox. I always do that! I don't wanna be that way with God. I want to have a constant person to rely on. As I look around at people, I tend to have a habit as well. I look at people as if they were "robots", like me and don't really talk to anyone. To a point, I see God as another one of these "robots". Just another soul that I feel doesn't care. As a Christian though, I know that he isn't... Falling into my habits keep me from seeing God's true face. These books that are around me, some look bland and boring, some exciting and interesting. God tells us to love others NO MATTER WHAT! It is really hard to love a book about abortion or murder, per say. I don't want to fall into these cycles or habits! I guess I will end on this note. God wants you. Don't humanize him as we all tend to do.
May the Lord GOD be with those who read this!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Hey, check out my DAD's profile!


As I have turned 18, a sense of responsiblity has dawned on me. I am constantly feeling guilty for the things that have happened in my life. I have finally realized that only the freedom of Jesus Christ can free me from this guilt. I am joyously thankful for those who want to be in my life. I write this merely as a reminder that God is in control. God makes us what we are. Without him we are lost and incomplete. As a child, my father was an abusive alcoholic. I can still remember when I was 2 hearing him yell at my mom, for something stupid. I put the sting of my biological father on God. I had really low self-confidence. With God really in my life, I feel really confident that God will provide safety for me and that I can rely on him. I can't fathom what my life would have been like if God wasn't in it or my mother taking me out of public school. I believe wholeheartedly that I would have committed suicide due to the stress that I felt during that time. I am hoping to be able to fully grasp the power of God without my Asperger mindset kicking in. I believe I can do it. May these words be words of encouragement to all.